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Forum : Les orphelins de Toutbox et Partageurs - What dogs breed is the best?
23/06/2023 11:17:44Giggerbread Giggerbread

What dogs breed is the best? How do you think?
24/06/2023 18:44:41Marry Jane

People are saying that huskies are really interesting. 
But it is also really important to think about the right care! 
25/06/2023 15:27:08Jason Newton

As the world's largest registry of purebred dogs, the AKC uses our registration statistics to rank the most popular breeds of the past year. And for the first time in history, 2022 found the French Bulldog taking the No. 1 spot.
25/06/2023 15:38:40Marry Jane

I also think that this breed is pretty popular today. 
25/06/2023 15:53:57Peter Nilson

I like all breeds. When you own a dog, there are certain things that you need to provide for its care. Besides regular visits to the vet and dog food, one important thing is housetraining for your pet. I have recently got potty buddy.  In fact, it can be as simple as following some simple techniques and putting in the consistent effort required to make sure your new dog learns exactly what you want it to learn.
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